What would drive you to start a home-based business and why?

dd_denay56 asked:

There are so many people in the U.S. losing their jobs and although entrepreneurship is not for everyone; what would drive you to start your own small business? Home-based or otherwise?

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6 Responses to “What would drive you to start a home-based business and why?”

  1. John B Says:

    Total desperation.

  2. Matt S Says:

    In our economy, everything is very situational when it comes to peoples’ job security and income in general. Some people are minimally affected while others have been hit really hard. Depending on your situation it may be necessary to find an alternative source of income. As for me, I am trying to start my own online store because I am college student who has to pay my own way completely. It is a way for me to hopefully generate income without having to leave my studies. I think online businesses even in the smallest sense are a great way to help people get through these tough times or even just to get their foot in the door on starting their own business.

  3. Mister Wikked Says:


  4. The Entrepreneur Says:

    The current economic downturn has made people realize how insecure formal employment can actually be. Starting your own business has the advantage of giving you control of a number of factors including the effort to reward ratio, the success of your business and the security of your income.

  5. B-Lust Says:

    If I lost the ability to leave the house, then I guess my hand would be forced. It would have to be something that drastic tho. You show me a home based business & I will show you a business that has an idiot for a CEO.

    To start my own real business, well it did not take much lol. It actually started out as a joke. 3 years and 12 grand openings later, and the joke is still funny ;)

  6. Tori Says:

    Several things compelled me to start my home-based business
    1. Ability to work from home
    2. Low start up costs and low overhead
    3. Freedom to set my own hours
    4. My income is not limited by a wage or salary scale
    5..No worry about being fired or laid off
    6. Income Tax advantages

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