How do you handle it when you feel stressed and unhappy both at home and work?

Autumn asked:

Sometimes people can have a happy, peaceful life at home, but go to a stressful job that they hate. Or, they have a stressful, unhappy situation at home, but can go to work to get away from all that. I currently am in the position of having a stressful, unhappy home life and a part-time job that I hate. I can’t get any escape from it.
Hopefully, later this year I will be able to do something about the home life, and maybe the job, too. Any advice on getting through this interim period?

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3 Responses to “How do you handle it when you feel stressed and unhappy both at home and work?”

  1. betty Says:

    Well you are doing it. You are making plans. I’d say you are half way there. Good luck.

  2. M Says:

    Sounds soo…icky, but you need to find a happy place. Find somewhere you can go or something you can do like going for a walk in your bare feet or painting cats, whatever. Something you can do to take your mind off your situation when things get a bit much.

    Good luck

  3. omg its kelc Says:

    write down whats wrong (your feelings to) it helps so much i Promise

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