What kind of work at home jobs are available?

2 young 2 understand asked:

I obviously can’t have a job that would require me to deal with coworkers bc one of them is bound to piss me off. I end up going off on them and I get canned. However, if I work at home and I explode, it would be at home and not at a company. The problem is what work at home jobs are out there and how can I get them? I’m not considering self employment. I wanna be tied to a company. Plus, how hard is it to get hired at the company if I were fired for workplace violence against an inanimate object?
Oh and I almost 4got 2 mention. I was also fired for verbally abusing a coworker. Would the prospective employer care since I’ll be at home and not at their place of business?


5 Responses to “What kind of work at home jobs are available?”

  1. tiger7377 Says:

    Your problem is not that employees pissyou off … it’s your inability to work as a normal employee. If you were to eliminate your passion, your work may suffer, but when it comes to working with people … the only job that does not require that is unemployment.

    FYI – if you get canned for having a verbal tirade — you will not get any unemployment benefits. I’d suggest you think long and hard before getting into any at-home business. It’s more hassle … and more Hustle.

  2. SevenT2 Says:

    Wow. These scam artists have even infested Yahoo Answers. Please PLEASE do not follow any of the answers listed here. They are scammers.

    I’m not offering you anything except not to follow what has been listed by these people.

  3. mikeward46 Says:

    you havent mentioned your age but ile guess tyour young or at least youngish . seems like you could have a problem with your peoples communications skills and if that be the case , before you concider applying for an other job either in the home or outside of , you must deal with this problem im not qualified to advise you how to go about this . however i do know that you should have a chat with your g p . and he will advise you on where and how seek relevent information help etc . now your idea that you land a job working from home would be the solution to your not getting on with other is a definate non runner , the reasonj is because even working from home you still would be working under some type of outside supervision via phone / internet , house calls by an agent collectors supervisors etc who no doubt will sooner or later upset you in some way or other . so no matter what you work at or for whom you will still have to answer to someone and its at that juncture you will react , so as i havbe already stated above get medical advice before you embark on your next job hunt , lastly its most likely your potential employers will check up on your previous employment history and your bad marks will come to light , a previous may even give you a clean reference almost always potential employers will check up on you via previous employers via phone / internet and its over those methods that your true reference will come to light . at least if you seek and follow thrugh with medical advice you can then you can prove to any potential employer that you are or have dealth with those problems and everybody fdeserves a chance so good luck ,

  4. jadebearranch Says:

    I really love what I do. I work from home in the healthcare field. It is mostly computer and telephone work so you have to be comfortable talking to people. It helps if you are the sort of person that enjoys helping others as that is a large part of my job as well. I agree with one of the answers below. MOST work from home jobs ARE scams. I looked at many companies before I found a reputable one. The one I work for is a multimillion dollar company that has been in business since 1992. If this sounds as if this is something you may like to investigate I would be happy to answer any questions. Good luck!

  5. James Says:

    I agree with seven, these answers seem to be posted by scammers and post robots or something. Some of the responses don’t even make sense. Please ignore them and their spam links.

    I am not sure about being tied to a company for all of these jobs, but over the years I have narrowed down some legitimate work at home options. For some of these, you are an IC (independent contractor)

    1. Paid Surveys (they do exist, PineCone Research is a great company, you just need to avoid the scams)
    2. Get Paid to Complete Free Offers (same as above)
    3. Writing for Content Companies (my personal favorite, check out associatedcontent.com)
    4. Freelance Bidding Sites (you can find some great jobs with sites like getafreelancer.com, etc)
    5.Online Answer Services (sites like ChaCha where you answer peoples questions that they ask via cell phone, you answer on your computer)
    6. Mystery Shopping type jobs (not really work at home, watch out for scams as well)

    I wrote up an eBook about my personal experiences with all these types of online jobs. If you’re interested, you can check out:

    Hope these suggestions at least point you in the right direction,


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